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skin abrasions and infections. In addi- medication. Unfortunately, not all peo- cal levels of depression, the therapist
tion, the constant sliding of hair shafts ple benefit from medication, and even
between the teeth can cause the teeth those who do will often regress to their might need to treat the depression as
to become grooved. old habits when the medication is ter-
minated, unless the medication is aug- well. Basically, as with all therapy, the
Treatment mented with psychotherapy.
As with all mental health disorders, the therapy needs to be custom-tailored to
question is how exactly does one over- Psychotherapy: The type of psy-
come trichotillomania? Let us divide chotherapy that has been shown to the client.
this question into three parts: lifestyle work very well for trichotillomania is
changes, medication, and psychothera- cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Trichotillomania can be a very tricky
py. especially a specific form of CBT called
Habit Reversal Training (HRT). Many disorder to treat. It is imperative that
Lifestyle changes: There are some studies find that the combination of
claims that certain diets can help peo- therapy and medication is especially when one seeks treatment for this dis-
ple stop hair pulling. However, research effective.
has failed to find compelling evidence order, it should be with a therapist who
for these claims. Nevertheless, as with Very often, the therapy must also
all mental health disorders, a healthy include relaxation techniques, since has experience in this area.
lifestyle (healthy eating, exercise, and many sufferers experience severe feel-
sufficient sleep) can be a mood boost- ings of anxiety in their body as the urge The bottom line is that if you have
er, helping build up the “emotional to pull builds up. This may include
energy” one needs to overcome any strategies such as deep breathing, pro- trichotillomania, do not assume that
mental health disorder. gressive muscle relaxation, and guided
imagery. HRT often needs to be aug- you have to suffer for the rest of your
Medication: There is a lot of mented with other therapeutic inter-
research investigating if antidepres- ventions that fall under the category of life. There are effective treatments. It
sants help relieve the symptoms of tri- CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy).
chotillomania. Presently, research indi- Obviously, since many years of suffering might not be easy, but with persever-
cates that some people respond well to with trichotillomania can lead to clini-
ance, it is a mountain that can be


Rabbi Azriel Hauptman is director of
Relief of Baltimore, a mental health
referral service. Contact him at or at 410-
448-8356. This article was reviewed by
Shmuel Fischler, LCSW, of CBT
Solutions of Baltimore who has a sub-
specialty in OCD and related disorders,
including trichotillomania. Contact
him at or
at 443-693-7228.

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