Page 104 - issue
P. 104
BEST FRIENDS ing but concerned husband asked. 24-hour period was to make himself
“I just got off the phone with Sima, scarce. He cautiously excused himself,
TTHHROUINGH told her that he was sure she would
you know, my best friend from semi- work it out, and made a beeline for the
&THICK nary. I haven’t seen her in 20 years, and door.
she happens to be in town. She said
Uby Eve Poupko she wants to stop by to see me tomor- Clearly needing the support and the
pon hanging up the phone, row.” advice of more experienced trauma
Rochel went into her living room team, Rochel conference-called a few of
and plopped herself down on a “I’m not really understanding,” her her in-town friends for advice. The first
chair. husband replied, shaking his head in suggestion someone made was to have
“What am I going to do?” she confusion. one of those life-size cardboard stand-
wailed. ups made using a picture of her from
“What’s the matter?” her unsuspect- “You don’t get it.” (He knew that was 20 pounds ago. After all, one had to be
coming) “What I mean,” she said, tak- realistic. Figuring she could place the
ing a deep breath, “is that I’ve gained cardboard image of herself in the living
weight since she last saw me, and room, hide in the kitchen, and “throw”
there’s no way I can lose 30 pounds by her voice, like in the ventriloquist acts,
tomorrow afternoon,” she wailed again, they embraced the idea. It was only
her voice rising to a new pitch. after coming to the bitter conclusion
that “throwing” her voice was beyond
“But Rochel, what’s the worst that’ll her capabilities that the idea was nixed.
happen?” he foolishly continued. Other possibilities included putting
room-darkening shades in the living
Shocked by his inability to answer room while keeping all the lights off, as
this question himself, she retorted, well as the brilliant idea of hiring a
“She’ll see me, of course.” double who could stand in for her.
Unfortunately, it would be too pricey to
“Oh,” he replied before quickly buy new window shades. It was equally
adding, “You’re beautiful just the way
you are.”

The glare that was laser-beamed
across the room made him realize that
his only means of surviving the next

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