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difficult to prep someone with all the simply have to choose an outfit that apparent reason. The only sign of a
shared memories of the good old days, would most flatter the situation. After human being were the two arms
not to mention depressing, since she traipsing upstairs to her bedroom, they wrapped around the pot.
couldn’t remember half of them herself. began hunting around her closet for a
miracle. Instead, they stumbled upon “Sima?” Rochel asked cautiously.
The group then moved on to the Rochel’s album from seminary, which, “Hi, Rochel, it’s me. I brought you a
what-did-you-do-when scenarios. After not surprisingly, was filled with pictures present.”
all, Rochel had attended weddings, bar of her and Sima. One look at the hair- “Um, can I have it so you can come
mitzvas, and other simchas over the styles and the outdated glasses had in and so that I can see you?” Rochel
last 20 years. “All true,” she informed them rolling. Underneath the album inquired.
them, when this was brought to her was her “sem” sweatshirt. Tucked inside “I’ll give it to you when I leave. For
attention, “But I have a three-year or of that, they discovered an Angel’s now, I’ll just keep it in front of me,”
90-day rule.” Their collective silence Bakery bag and a carefully folded ban- Sima stated matter-of-factly.
was rewarded with the following expla- ner. The banner was the “Welcome “What?”
nation: “See, if you’ve seen me in the Back” sign that had greeted her upon “Well, it’s just that, well, I’m just a lit-
last three-years, then you have the her arrival home. Surrounded by such tle embarrassed,” Sima stammered.
updated version of the “outer me.” If, wonderful memories, Rochel decided “See, I’ve gained 30 pounds since you
on the other hand, you haven’t seen that if Sima was still the friend she last saw me, and well….”
me, then I need at least 90 days to get used to be, nothing would change that, “Say no more,” Rochel shrieked,
back to the dress size that I was when not 20 years nor 30 pounds. “You’re the best friend ever. I knew I
you last saw me. The problem here is could count on you.” She threw her
that I have no lead time for this, and I The next day, the much anticipated arms around Sima, tree and all (which
haven’t seen Sima in 20 years.” The sit- knock came. Rochel, mustering all her turned out to be a little more painful
uation looked grim. courage and enthusiasm, flung the than she had anticipated.)
door open only to find herself face to Rochel dragged Sima into the
Realizing that there was nowhere face with a tree. You know, the kind house, again – not so easy with a tree
else to turn, the group decided to gath- that sits in one of those enormous involved – where they spent a lovely
er together to face the harsh reality that plant holders that people put in the afternoon reminiscing about the past
was confronting them. Once everyone corner of their living room for no and creating a future of friendship.◆
arrived, it was decided that they would

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