Page 126 - issue
P. 126
the “people of good deeds”! My father-in-law, Reb Mordechai How many of the attributes
of the ahmolilker Yid exist
Interestingly, a non-Yid will occa- Greenspon, a”h, was also an ahmolik- in our lives?
er Yid. He was a skilled baal tefila,
sionally act like an ahmoliker Yid, such baal tokayah, and Torah reader. In ◆ Do we greet others with a sholom
as a worker in my neighborhood who addition, he was a first-class shochet. aleichem or another greeting?
In his senior years, he became a
shleps (drags) my garbage can back to ◆ Do we assist those who need help?
my house after the truck collects it. shamash in a large synagogue. He
went beyond his list of duties. For ◆ Do we honor Torah persons, such as
An ahmoliker Yid has hartz (heart). the rav of the shul?
While reviewing an antique Yom example, he would not permit the jan-
Kippur machzor – I enjoy reviewing ◆ Do we smile rather than frown when
alteh (old) Judaic books – I turned to itor to collect sefarim from the bench- we enter a room full of people?
the first page and examined the Kol es but personally did so himself.
Nidre prayer. The page had paraffin ◆ Are we cognizant of and sensitive to
marks from candles and blotches that When necessary, he corrected lettering the feelings of others?

appeared to be from spilled water. Such in a sefer Torah. He also repaired worn ◆ Are our comments the same as our
prayer books. If a newcomer to the true feelings?
marks on Yom Kippur, a fast day? That
shul did not know how to conduct ◆ Do we celebrate with our fellow Yid
was highly unlikely. Suddenly, it prayers or how to put on tefilin, he when he or she has a happy event?
taught him. My father-in-law was also
occurred to me that the splash marks ◆ Do we show sorrow when there are,
skilled in plastering, painting, and a chas vesholom, tragedies?
were not from spilled water but from
variety of household repair skills. ◆ Are we concerned about the Yidden
tears that were shed on the holy day – in Israel and other parts of the world?
Today, changing a light fixture or even
“souvenirs” from an ahmoliker Yid!
My mother-in-law, Mrs. Esther a light bulb, requires the services of a

Greenspon, a”h, was an ahmoliker home improvement firm!
Yiddeneh. I recall her bursting into
tears at a levaya (funeral), something By emulating the lifestyle of the
that Americanized Yidden refrain from
ahmoliker Yid, we can increase the
doing. She had many other wonderful quality of our Yiddishkeit and accom-

ahmoliker attributes, material for a plish an important dictum of our holy
future essay, iy”H.
Torah: Ve’ahavta lereh’acha kamocha –
Love others as much as yourself!◆

MindiMeira Blaxberg
Health & Wellness Life Coach,
Fitness Trainer, Yoga Instructor


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