Page 128 - issue
P. 128
update your current eruv list information

DeaDline for new or upDateD information: june 30, 2016

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basic information
q New Listing q Change this Listing q Delete this listing
First Name (his): q Mr. q Rabbi q Dr.

First Name (hers):q Mrs. q Ms. q Miss q Dr. ___________________________

Last Name (s): _________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________________________

telephone numbers (just fill-in those which apply & which you want listed)
Home #: ___________________ Business #1: _________________ Business #2:______________________

Cell #: _____________________ Fax #: ______________________ Beeper#:_________________________

additional information (just fill-in those which apply & which you want listed)
Occupation 1: ________________________________Occupation 2: ________________________________
Email: ______________________________________Website: ____________________________________

attn: community organizations, schools & synagogues

Don’t forget to update your Eruv Listings and information!

for advertising information call 410-358-2579

mail to eruv of baltimore: 3300 taney roaD, 21215 or fax to 410-764-9881
or call 410-764-6881 or e-mail

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