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Nelkin continued from page 114 find that another policy offering fewer your health changes.
Rate increases vary from company to benefits at a reduced price is a better fit
for you. The new company will general- More Information
company. This can be related to the ly require that you answer medical his- In this series of articles, I provided an
specifics of a company’s customers and tory questions to qualify. overview of Medicare, the enrollment
how well the company manages its risk. process, and Medicare Supplement
Over time, this can result in a situation When replacing your policy, you insurance. Medicare has countless
where a plan that was originally a good should only contact the first company details that could not be covered in a
choice for you is no longer the best fit. to cancel your original policy after the short series. More information on
As mentioned before, any company new policy is approved and issued. You Medicare and Medigap is available on
offering your letter plan must offer the do not want to give up your policy if, and also at my site, secu-
same package of benefits as you have. If you don’t qualify for a new one! By law,◆
you can pass the medical history ques- the new company must offer you a 30-
tions, you may be able to qualify for the day “free look” period. During this time Moshe Nelkin is a Medigap pricing actu-
same plan at a much reduced price. In you can cancel the new policy for any ary with several years of experience in
some cases, this can result in savings of reason for a full refund. While it is competitive rate and market analysis.
several hundred dollars per year, not a uncommon to turn down a lower- Having seen a number of policies that
small amount for a senior on a fixed priced policy, some people pay the pre- paid out hundreds of thousands of dol-
income. An independent insurance mium for both policies during this free lars in a single year, he feels passionate
agent who represents multiple compa- look period to ensure that they can go about the value that Medigap provides to
nies will be able to help you decide if back to the first one if they change seniors, especially seniors on fixed
there is a better option for you. their mind. incomes. His insurance agency, Security
and Integrity LLC, helps seniors under-
Replacing Your Medigap Policy The good thing about Medicare stand their options and choose wisely.
If you decide to replace your policy, Supplement policies is that they are Contact him at info@securityandintegri-
your agent will work with you to decide guaranteed renewable. Even if you or visit
whether to buy a plan with identical can’t qualify for a new one, you can © 2016 – Security and Integrity LLC
benefits or a different plan. You may keep the current policy for as long as
you pay the premium, regardless of how

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