Page 38 - issue
P. 38
Accelerating the Pace of Change ©WWW Bais Yaakov

Evidence-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents even if I am not with them or talking to them,” said Rina,
Anxiety, Behavior, Depression & Trauma “because I know more about their disability and I know
Parenting Techniques with Proven Results where they are coming from. “We learned that people who are deaf are proud of who
443-756-4648 they are, proud they are deaf,” said Tirtzah. “It was really cool
to see how, even though they are impaired, they are still
Evening and Sunday appointments happy with who they are and are so confident.”

Chana Frieda Berger researched ADHD with Sara Trout.
“Mrs. Zelinger gave me and my classmates a new perspective
about disabilities,” remarked Chana Freida. Sara, who has rel-
atives with ADHD, added, “I’m learning better ways to deal
with them. I try to think that they are like a gift from Hashem.
I think it is very important to learn about disabilities at our
age. It is before going out into the real world, yet we are old
enough to take it seriously. Whatever you do in life, you will
always meet people who are different and have disabilities.
You will know how to deal with them and help them.”

Tova Bracha Bazelon and Devorah Schapiro, who also
researched ADHD, said that now, when they see kids in
school who are impulsive or restless, they have more
patience, understanding that maybe they don’t really want to
be that way but can’t help it.”

Rochel Shira Bloom, a new Bais Yaakov student who
recently moved from Israel, also researched deafness. “We
didn’t just learn about the disease or disability. Mrs. Zelinger

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