Page 39 - issue
P. 39
Bais Yaakov H������� ������
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gave us a feeling of what it would be like to have a limitation
that is beyond your control.” C�������
Shulamis Seidel researched Alzheimer’s disease with her
partner Aliza Abraham. “I had a cousin who had this disease. �������� � ������� ������� ����
He used to always talk funny and say random things. I was so ���������� � ����������� �� ��� 10% ���
scared. I never wanted to go there. But when we were look- ���� �������� �������� �������
ing into the disease, we learned that Alzheimer’s patients are ��� ����
not scary; they just can’t help what they are doing. They don’t ��� ����� ������ ����� ��������
want to do any harm. And, it’s interesting that the caretakers * ���� $250
of Alzheimer’s patients have to be up 24/7. They are always ��� ���������
watching the person, because they don’t know where they are
going. It’s also hard on the person’s family, because, for 443-300-6291
example, your mother can forget who you are.” ���@������������������.���

Shayna Krupp, who researched diabetes, said, “If someone
has a disability or disease, it might change the person physi-
cally and sometimes mentally, but it doesn’t change the fact
that they are still people. You shouldn’t treat them different-
ly. If someone has blond hair, you shouldn’t treat her differ-
ently from someone who has brown hair, or if someone has
smaller eyes or bigger eyes, it shouldn’t matter in how you
treat them. It’s not their fault; that’s how they were created. I
think that if we could have learned about this last year, in
seventh grade, it could have been even more helpful. We
would have had a full year’s worth of knowledge of what a
disability is.”

Yeshivas Toras Chaim
invites you to our
4th Annual Banquet

Rabbi Marc Messing
June 19, 5:30 p.m.

∑at the Suburban Orthodox social hall

Banquet reservation(s): $90 each

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Gold $750 4 seats

Silver $500 3 seats

Supporter $360 2 seats
Ad Only

Full Page $180 Quarter $54

Half Page $100 Eighth $36

Please place ad by June 8, reservations by June 14
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