Page 44 - issue
P. 44
SHALOM most likely contributes to their impa-
BAYIS tience, as they are always busy, with
very little time to just “hang out” with
BY YEHUDA WEISBORD, LCPC their children and develop a relation-
ship. I don’t know the details of their
DEAR MR. WEISBORD, screaming at their kids, punishing finances, of course, nor do I want to.
My married children came for unfairly, and just “losing their cool.” But I did notice the expensive new
clothes they were wearing and their
Pesach, and after being together for a Both mother and father work, which constant talk about what they’ve
week, I got a good look how they are they feel is necessary in order to pro- bought recently and what they’re going
bringing up their children. I saw them vide for the family. Their long hours to buy.

I feel I have some perspective and
experience that could help my children
avoid the things that I clearly see could
lead to trouble in future years. But can
I tell them what I think? The current
“wisdom” on how to relate to married
children seems to be “shut your mouth
and open your wallet.” But how can I
stand by and let my children make seri-
ous mistakes? Is that really a good way
to perpetuate the values of family from
generation to generation?

When I was young and inexperi-
enced, my parents did not hesitate to
give their opinions. Why do I feel like my
children would be more-than annoyed
and not listen anyway? Can you suggest

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