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happen, the driver lost complete con- ly the dad – lifted his head out of an was dangling above the van, and I was
trol of the vehicle. He crashed into a opening and was saying, “Don’t worry, afraid the minivan was at risk of
telephone pole, severing the pole com- I’m going to get you out,” and he lifted exploding due to leaking fuel. The dad
pletely, then proceeded to roll one-and- the small child, bleeding from her walked with the teenager, and I carried
a-half times on the ground, coming to mouth where she had bit her tongue, the little girl to my car. I would have set
rest 20 feet in front of my car. through the smashed windows to my the little girl down along the shoulder
outstretched arms. of the road, but the wind picked up and
Clutching my cell phone to call 911, it was quite cold, and I wanted to get
I jumped out of my car and ran towards “Is there anyone else in the car?” I her inside my car where it was warm
the minivan. I didn’t even know if there yelled. A girl of about 12 or 13 looked while we awaited the ambulance.
would be cell phone reception in this pale but intact. She was able to free
particular stretch of road. Coverage is herself from the debris but was clearly The dad and his two girls were able
spotty around here. Thank G-d, my cell somewhat shocked, with small abra- to communicate. At first, the surge of
phone was able to reach 911. sions on her hands from the broken adrenaline and psychological shock at
glass, but otherwise seemingly okay. I the enormity of their accident prevented
“Send an ambulance,” I shouted, giv- was praying there were no other kids them from feeling any pain; they were
ing my exact location. “There’s been a who might have been ejected from the quite dazed. As the reality of their com-
terrible accident!” car, but the dad assured me that he plete miracle started to hit them, they
and his two daughters were the only became very emotional, and started to
I was dreading what I would find. I occupants. I told 911 that there were feel neck and other pain. Meanwhile, we
was sure I’d find dead, mangled bodies. two children and a dad involved, hop- were still waiting for rescue personnel. I
But suddenly I heard a child crying hys- ing that at the sound of the word “chil- poured a water bottle from my car over
terically. My first thought was, “Oh, my dren” the rescue crews would magically the dad’s abrasions on his hands, and
G-d, there is a child in that car!” and I appear faster. tried to brush broken glass, sand, and
immediately felt relief, because if the gravel out of his hair.
child was crying it meant that it was Yes, I know you are not supposed to
still alive. In those few milliseconds, I move an accident victim until the The first to arrive was the sheriff, fol-
was praying the child wouldn’t have a extent of the injuries are known. But I lowed shortly thereafter by volunteer
dead mother and that there were no wanted them to move away from the firemen in pickup trucks and then two
other kids in the van. Before I could car, since the severed telephone pole ambulances. This took approximately
reach the car, a man in the car – clear-

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