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three hours beyond one’s usual learn- “Chesed a Day” program for all ages! House, we provide just under
Participants simply do a mitzva a day, $1,000,000 of programs and services
ing schedule, during Sefira, as a special preceded by declaring that this mitzva is each year to families diagnosed with a
merit for those who are ill. You can a zechus (merit) for a refuah shleima life-threatening, lifelong, or serious med-
(speedy recovery) for a particular choleh ical diagnosis,” noted Stacey
accrue time by going to a shiur or by (sick person) that he/she names. Goldenberg, director of operations for
learning with a chavrusa! There are the Jewish Caring Network. “We hope
signup sheets in every shul. Men are Those who take part in the 5K, each and every person will participate in
Learn-a-Thon, Midos-A-Thon, and one of the K’ish Echad B’lev Echad
taking on the challenge in shuls and “Chesed a Day” programs are asked to projects. “With the community’s help,
please reach out to family and friends families will be able to have what they
yeshivas. Remember, it is just three to sponsor you (reach out via calls, need during their difficult medical jour-
emails, and approaching co-workers!) ney. Families need to know that they are
hours during the entire Sefira, which and help raise the funds Jewish Caring not alone and that we are here, standing
amounts to just a few extra minutes per Network so desperately needs in order beside them, for as long as they need.”
to continue to provide their various
day! Participants have the option of services. The JCN helps send kids to “We have to do something about the
camp so they can just feel like kids; situation that has hit our community,”
receiving the names of cholim, so their sends birthday and anniversary gifts; concluded Karen Traub, one of the
learning can be dedicated to them. provides clothes for the holidays; has founders of Jewish Caring Network. “We
Big Brother/Big Sister programs; feel that we have got to respond and
There are two exciting programs for providse day and weekend respite galvanize our efforts in the area of
retreats; supplies tickets to concerts, chesed. The challenge facing many
children, as well. The Midos-a-Thon is a amusement parks, and sporting events; families in our community is a wake-up
ben adam lechaveiro midos program fills freezers and grocery shops for fam- call for all of us. Hashem is speaking to
for boys, ages 8 to 13, being held from ilies; and provides many other custom- us. We need to respond. That is why we
tailored services for the choleh and launched all these programs at the
Pesach to Lag Ba’Omer, April 22 to his/her family members. same time, and we are asking the com-
munity to join us and get involved.”◆
May 26. Participants agree to perform “Between the JCN and the Tikva

midos tovos once a week. These
include such things as kibud av va’em
(respect for parents), helping a family

member, and doing homework without

being asked. Brochures and sign up

sheets are in all the shuls.

In addition, Rabbi Mordechai

Shuchatowitz, Rav of Agudath Israel

Greenspring, has initiated a JCN

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