Page 92 - issue
P. 92
Wby Gitty Pultman ‘mekubal’ in the lobby of our hotel who transmissions to receive information
hat would you say if I told had a whole crowd of people gathered culled from prayer request cards filled
you a “holy man” had around him. He was ‘reading’ the out by audience members. He has
promised me I was set to bumps on their esrogim and telling since made a comeback using similar
win the lottery as long as I people all sorts of strange things.” techniques.
gave $25,000 to tzedaka?
Not convinced? Well, what While predicting the future using an In psychic surgery, the “surgeon”
if I told you that this esrog is more exotic than the standard allegedly creates an incision using only
“mekubal” also happens crystal ball, the art of psychic deception his bare hands, followed by the removal
to know some very deserving people I has been around since time immemori- of pathological matter (made all the
could give my money to? And not only al. There have always been unscrupu- more convincing by the use of hidden
that, he’d even distribute the funds for lous people who posed as miracle animal blood and entrails); the incision
me! So what do you say? Are you ready workers. In the 1970s, Uri Geller, an “heals” spontaneously. Despite having
to chip in with me? After all, what’s Israeli illusionist and self-proclaimed also been debunked by Randi, who
$25,000 when we’re set to win $1.5 psychic, amazed everyone with his abil- used sleight-of-hand to replicate the
million? ity to bend metal spoons and make appearance of psychic surgery to a stu-
watches stop just by looking at them. dio audience, psychic surgery is still
While you and I greet these claims Geller was subsequently exposed by seen by many people to be an effective
with a healthy dose of skepticism, many James Randi, a retired stage magician form of alternative medicine.
people, unfortunately, take the bait and and scientific skeptic who has exten-
are conned out of their life’s savings — sively challenged paranormal and The Jewish community has its own
or worse! What is it about these frauds pseudoscientific claims. special breed of tricksters and impos-
masquerading as “mekubalim” that tors who target the sick, destitute and
enables them to hoodwink rational, While Geller’s activities were harm- broken-hearted of the community — the
intelligent people? Is it possible for less, certain fraudulent practices like charlatans who pose as “mekubalim.”
ordinary people to discern the differ- faith healing and psychic surgery have These charismatic con artists arrive in
ence between a bona fide mekubal and caused needless deaths by keeping the town and quickly set up shop. They
a con artist? ill away from life-saving medical care. In advertise in the local papers, make
1986, faith healer Peter Popoff, a self- claims, and propose so-called miracu-
Something New Under the Sun? proclaimed prophet and faith healer, lous cures, and are sought out by peo-
“One Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael, I saw a was exposed by Randi, who proved that ple desperately seeking a miracle work-
Popoff was using wireless electronic er to end their suffering. The creativity
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Wby Gitty Pultman ‘mekubal’ in the lobby of our hotel who transmissions to receive information
hat would you say if I told had a whole crowd of people gathered culled from prayer request cards filled
you a “holy man” had around him. He was ‘reading’ the out by audience members. He has
promised me I was set to bumps on their esrogim and telling since made a comeback using similar
win the lottery as long as I people all sorts of strange things.” techniques.
gave $25,000 to tzedaka?
Not convinced? Well, what While predicting the future using an In psychic surgery, the “surgeon”
if I told you that this esrog is more exotic than the standard allegedly creates an incision using only
“mekubal” also happens crystal ball, the art of psychic deception his bare hands, followed by the removal
to know some very deserving people I has been around since time immemori- of pathological matter (made all the
could give my money to? And not only al. There have always been unscrupu- more convincing by the use of hidden
that, he’d even distribute the funds for lous people who posed as miracle animal blood and entrails); the incision
me! So what do you say? Are you ready workers. In the 1970s, Uri Geller, an “heals” spontaneously. Despite having
to chip in with me? After all, what’s Israeli illusionist and self-proclaimed also been debunked by Randi, who
$25,000 when we’re set to win $1.5 psychic, amazed everyone with his abil- used sleight-of-hand to replicate the
million? ity to bend metal spoons and make appearance of psychic surgery to a stu-
watches stop just by looking at them. dio audience, psychic surgery is still
While you and I greet these claims Geller was subsequently exposed by seen by many people to be an effective
with a healthy dose of skepticism, many James Randi, a retired stage magician form of alternative medicine.
people, unfortunately, take the bait and and scientific skeptic who has exten-
are conned out of their life’s savings — sively challenged paranormal and The Jewish community has its own
or worse! What is it about these frauds pseudoscientific claims. special breed of tricksters and impos-
masquerading as “mekubalim” that tors who target the sick, destitute and
enables them to hoodwink rational, While Geller’s activities were harm- broken-hearted of the community — the
intelligent people? Is it possible for less, certain fraudulent practices like charlatans who pose as “mekubalim.”
ordinary people to discern the differ- faith healing and psychic surgery have These charismatic con artists arrive in
ence between a bona fide mekubal and caused needless deaths by keeping the town and quickly set up shop. They
a con artist? ill away from life-saving medical care. In advertise in the local papers, make
1986, faith healer Peter Popoff, a self- claims, and propose so-called miracu-
Something New Under the Sun? proclaimed prophet and faith healer, lous cures, and are sought out by peo-
“One Sukkos in Eretz Yisrael, I saw a was exposed by Randi, who proved that ple desperately seeking a miracle work-
Popoff was using wireless electronic er to end their suffering. The creativity
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