Ideas for Chol Hamoed Trips


This article was published in 2009, so before you leave the house check to make sure the information about the place you are going is the same.

Everyone agrees that one of the best things about Yom Tov is spending time with your family, including grandparents, cousins, and married children. Although most mothers would agree that if everyone else is happy, they will be happy too, it can be hard to think of activities that will please everyone, from toddlers to seniors – and especially teens!

One safe bet is a park. Being outside on a (hopefully) balmy April day is enjoyment enough for the adults. And for the children, many of the parks I reviewed feature special attractions. So look over this list of destinations. They may not be earthshakingly exciting, but when the sun is shining and you have good company, almost any activity is fun.*

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