Articles by Shmuel Katz



Imagine your mind as a meticulous planner, always thinking ahead, anticipating every turn in the road or potential misfortune. This may seem like a beneficial strategy since planning is a great skill, but sometimes, our desire to control the future becomes so intense that it disrupts our daily lives. This is where anxiety enters the scene.

Anxiety is like that friend who tends to worry about almost everything. It’s that jittery feeling you get before a significant event, such as an important exam or presentation. It can make your heart race, your palms sweaty, and your thoughts go haywire with “what-ifs.”

Read More:Anxiety

Are You Ready for Therapy?

Yossi is a man in his thirties, juggling the demands of work and family. Lately, he has been feeling overwhelmed and lost, like a boat drifting in the sea. He thought about seeking therapy, but skepticism held him back. “I don’t know if therapy really works,” Yossi shared with his wife, Sarah. “It’s hard to believe that talking to someone I barely know can make a difference in my life.”

Read More:Are You Ready for Therapy?