Articles by Devora Schor

My Mechutan, Josh Levin


When our children get married, our family expands. Not only do we welcome our children’s new spouses, we also become connected to their families. Even though Josh Levin and his wife Cheryl live only a five-minute walk from our house, I did not know them or any of their daughters until my son Nechemia married Rivka, in 2006. We got to know a wonderful couple, and now, many years later, I asked Mr. Levin if I could interview him.

Read More:My Mechutan, Josh Levin

Shidduchim and Shadchanim : Then and Now


Do you know any Bais Yaakov girls today who would marry a boxer? How about a soldier? And do you know any young man who is worried that his perspective date is not really shomer Shabbos? All these scenarios are very unlikely! But it wasn’t always that way. In previous generations, it was sometimes hard to find a religious person to marry.

In the book, Lieutenant Birnbaum (ArtScroll), the author, Meyer Birnbaum, describes the marriage of his parents. His mother had come from Europe in the early 1900s and was very religious. She had a hard time finding a frum man to marry. She was already 30 when she met his father. Here is how their first meeting was described in the book:

Read More:Shidduchim and Shadchanim : Then and Now

He Cared about Everyone: The Life of Rabbi Moshe Juravel, zt”l

rabbi juravel

You might think that you know a neighbor of 40 years very well, but I was amazed to hear all the many things I did not know, which were said about Rabbi Moshe Juravel at his levaya. The feeling of loss and of love for the niftar was palpable among the crowds that came to be melaveh him. You could see that people found it hard to fathom that he was gone!

We moved to Baltimore in 1984 and found ourselves right next door to the Juravels. Not only were we neighbors with this special couple, but I have been walking with Mrs. Juravel almost every morning for about 30 years.

Read More:He Cared about Everyone: The Life of Rabbi Moshe Juravel, zt”l

Matzah through the Ages


Throughout the generations and in all places of our exile, Pesach has been beloved by the Jewish people. Aside from its deeper meanings, there is no holiday where the rules about food are stricter or more numerous. Here in America, we take it for granted that all our Pesach food needs will be amply available. But even in times and places where it wasn’t, Pesachdik food – and especially matzah – has played a singular role in Jewish life.

Read More:Matzah through the Ages

No One Has to be Lost in the Forest : Baltimore Bikur Cholim

Sonya was lost in a forest. There were several paths, but she was not sure which one to take. She was hungry, thirsty, and tired. She longed for some food and a place to sleep, but most of all, she yearned for somebody to show her the way out of the forest. Suddenly, she noticed a sign tacked to a tree: “Are you hungry, thirsty, tired, and lost? I will show you the way out of the forest and give you some food and a bed.” What a relief it was to Sonya! She followed the directions on the sign and was soon eating a bowl of soup while listening to instructions for leaving the forest. 

Read More:No One Has to be Lost in the Forest : Baltimore Bikur Cholim

Improving Home Improvements

For most people, a home construction project is a major undertaking. It’s not something you do often, it’s expensive, and the average person does not know much about it. I thought it might be helpful and interesting to hear from the experts about mistakes that homeowners often make so that readers can avoid those issues when planning their own projects. Nobody knows as much about home improvements as the contractors, the people who spend their days doing this work. Here is what they have to say:


Read More:Improving Home Improvements