Baltimore’s Flourishing Kollels: Something for Everyone – Part 2
When I settled in Baltimore in 1979, it was understood that “learning in kollel” meant the kollel of Ner Israel, established just 20 years prior. Today, 250-plus kollel fellows learn at Ner Israel’s Kollel Avodas Levi, and dozens more learn in other local kollels, which seem to have sprung up overnight. In part two of this series, I highlight some additional kollels that contribute to Baltimore’s reputation as a makom Torah, a place that is conducive to growth in Torah.
The Baltimore Community Kollel
In March 2000, the Baltimore Community Kollel opened its doors as an early morning kollel with an inclusive mission to enhance the love of Jewish learning and practice for all Jews – young and old, learned and novice – regardless of background or level of observance. In Elul of 2003, the morning kollel was transformed into a full-time kollel. (It is the longest running full-time kollel within city limits.) The Kollel bought its current building on Labyrinth Road in 2005 and moved in almost 20 years ago.