An Ounce of Prevention Teenagers and Substance Abuse
I wanted to use this space to once again encourage parents to consider the benefits of early intervention for their kids who have started to drink or use other drugs. We already know that substances like nicotine, cannabis, and alcohol are used by too many adolescents in our community. We also know that some of these kids who begin to use drugs will develop a more serious problem that will become a disorder.
It is no small thing to have a substance use disorder, no matter what the drug. It is one of the worst things that can happen to a person (and a family). The diagnostic manual used by most health practitioners (DSM-V) describes 11 criteria for substance use disorder. These criteria include:
· symptoms that fall into the categories of poor control of use (e.g., using more than intended)
· risky use (e.g., driving under the influence)
· impaired social functioning (e.g., neglect of schoolwork or other obligations)
· physical dependence (e.g., tolerance or withdrawal)
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