Musings Through a Bifocal Lens : Welcome Home

My husband and I went out to dinner last night with some cousins. We went to a popular Chinese restaurant, which was pretty crowded for a Tuesday night by Baltimore standards. The restaurant had a warm ambiance, from the cloth tablecloths and napkins to the cozy arrangements of tables and booths.
When we get together, my husband and his cousin enjoy reminiscing about the Baltimore of old. “Remember when Greenspring Shopping Center on Smith Avenue used to be a private airport?” I didn’t live in Baltimore then, but I like listening to the stories of those long-ago days. While we were eating our first course, we noticed some familiar faces at the table next to ours. My husband made introductions, and the gentleman recognized our cousin’s name. The next several minutes were spent playing “Jewish geography,” Baltimore-style. The stories went back 60 years, but to these reunited friends, the years rolled away as if we were all transported back in time. It was delightful to watch.