Carpool Controversies: Part 2

Reviewed By Rabbi Mordechai Shuchatowitz, Head of the Baltimore Bais Din
In a previous article, we discussed a case in which a carpool group committed to including a family in their carpool for the coming year. Although this family lived a mile-and-a-half away from the other families, they were needed to complete the carpool, so they were accepted. Later, a new family moved in within a few blocks of the other drivers. The group then wished to back out of their commitment to the far-away family.
We discussed the halacha of mechusar amana, one who is not trustworthy for backing out of a verbal commitment. If someone gave a verbal commitment to another, halacha says that the commitment must be honored.
We will examine some new scenarios that involve the question of backing out of a commitment, and we will see whether the halacha changes in these new cases.