Page 52 - issue
P. 52
could keep track of our progress. Each our response to the program. The awareness of how reliant I am on my
girl had the option of choosing a buddy school was hopping with excitement technology.” (Twelfth grader)
to help remind her of her machsom. after the assembly. Everyone wanted
What’s great about this program is that to do it! It was encouraging for us as Even girls who don’t have smart-
each girl can take it as far as she wants. students to see each other so excited phones were able to benefit in some
It’s obviously harder for some and eas- about something like this. Here, my way. “I started wearing my watch,
ier for others. One girl might feel that classmates speak for themselves: because it reminds me that time is
putting her phone down for an hour a constantly passing and I shouldn’t
week is a big accomplishment, while “I tried…it was just a step…but for waste it.’ (Eleventh grader)
another might feel like she wanted to that try I felt like I had a much
do both A and B for a whole week. greater connection to people and the For some girls, the message ran
There’s something in it for everyone, world. Not only was I in a much bet- very deep: “I was having an internal
even the girls who don’t have smart- ter mood the next day, because I debate about whether I should get a
phones. The idea is to be in control of went to sleep before 12:30, but I had certain app on my phone. I knew it
your time. If a phone isn’t the thing an entire hour to feel fulfilled: com- would be dangerous for me, because
that’s taking up your time, then find pletely and honestly free. Thank you it would not let me utilize my time
something that is, and work on that for for that opportunity.” (Twelfth grader) properly. I thought, I wish I’d get a
an hour a day. ‘sign’ to help me, so I don’t get the
“It felt so good to take a break app. The next day, Friday, the tech-
“Each girl’s response was different from all this stuff. The school should nology program was announced.
than her friend’s in stating what the do it again next year.” (Tenth grader) That was my sign! I didn’t get the
challenge would be for her,” said Mrs. app! From the bottom of my heart,
Feldman. “We saw very clearly that “The program definitely made me thank you for being the ‘sign’ I need-
everyone struggles with her use of tech- focus on not constantly looking at ed.”
nology, but in different ways. We sought my phone and not keeping it on me.
to address each girl and her unique Thank you for helping me make my As an eleventh grader who partic-
challenge.” Pesach more enjoyable.” (Twelfth ipated in the program, I too thank
grader) the school and all who helped bring
◆◆◆ this beautiful program to us in a pos-
For some girls, it was a matter of itive way, encouraging us to do what
I think the most exciting part was awareness: “Thank you so much for we all really want to do.◆
the amazing program. It raised my

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