Page 61 - issue
P. 61
Journey to Efrat

to be interviewed to be accepted into the community, Efrat "Yudy Brody" BILL HACKNEY 443.763.6184
does not put people through any such process.
22 Years in the
The Jaffees view their apartment’s location as “gold” and Pest Control
have found a real sense of belonging in their community. business
Aside from friends living on the same street, the families in
the area are especially caring and friendly. “I’ve met amazing PEST
people from all walks of life,” says Mr. Jaffee, “regular people SERVICES
who work for a living and immersed in Torah. These humble
people don’t ‘advertise’ themselves as being talmidei Residential & Commercial
chachamim. It is really inspiring that, when they are not
involved in their work, they can be found learning, either with 410-989-1919
a chavrusa or in a chabura or shiur.” Mr. Jaffe adds that their
diverse neighbors are very accepting, respect others for who
they are, and “don’t expect you to dress in a certain way.” Email:

The Hagefen neighborhood has one shul with two M.HL.iIk.eCu.s#on104M3.H9.I.6C. #104396
minyanim. One of them is Moroccan, and – because there’s M.D.FAAC.EB#OO3K029M4.D.A. # 30294
such a mixture of Ashkenazim and Sefardim – the other one
doesn’t have a set nusach. Rather, explains Mr. Jaffee,
“Whoever gets up to daven, that’s the nusach. In this shul,
where so many types can be found, the ‘boxes’ [of external
dress] don’t mean anything.” Imagine such cohesiveness!
Hagefen is a primarily Israeli neighborhood in Efrat, and Mr.
Jaffee hears mostly Ivrit in shul, which is fine with him, since
it helps him integrate.

Mrs. Jaffee enjoys going to the women’s beit midrash,
where she is able to listen to Torah classes with “cream of the
crop” teachers. Many highly educated, well known people live
in the Gush, and often volunteer to teach classes. There are
many other exciting endeavors going on, including an annu-
al women’s musical performance called “Raise Your Spirits,”
in Alon Shvut, which combines Israeli and American talent
on stage.

Aside from its accepting environment, Mrs. Jaffee empha-
sizes that Efrat is also known for its chesed. From among its
numerous gemachim, Mrs. Jaffee volunteers in the clothing
gemach. Efrat also has a food packaging organization for
needy families, and also brings food to the many Israeli sol-
diers stationed in the Gush. During the winter, for example,
hot soup was brought to the soldiers on guard at night. In
addition, there’s a place called Pinah Chamah (“warm cor-
ner”) next to the large Rami Levi grocery store at Tzomet
Hagush, where people bring over leftover Shabbos food for
soldiers. The tired soldiers can relax, enjoy a good meal, and
even take a nap. In Efrat itself, the community center
arranges barbecues and movies for soldiers to rejuvenate. Mr.
Jaffee went there and gave aching soldiers a massage. The
amount of chesed brings even more achdus (unity).


Although they didn’t make aliyah with children, and there-
fore didn’t deal with the Israeli school system, Mrs. Jaffee has
heard wonderful things about Efrat’s education. There are
elementary schools and two boys high schools. Girls bus to
nearby Alon Shvut for high school. The town is known to

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