Page 66 - issue
P. 66

AIsrael. The seminary is not an EEI, COMBAT COMMUNITY ILLNESS
s our community was hard at
work preparing for the women, and children from every walk For those who are into health and fit-
Passover holiday, seven local of life – can come together to help peo- ness, there will be separate Jewish
families within a single month ple affected by illness. Caring Network 5K events for men and
were hit with a diagnosis of a women: the Men’s 5K Care Run (Race
life-threatening illness. In “It has been an overwhelmingly dev- Run Walk) in Druid Hill Park, on
response, the Jewish Caring astating period for the Jewish commu- Sunday, May 29, and the Women’s 5K
nity,” noted Jewish Caring Network vol- Care Run (Race Run Walk), on Sunday,
unteer Rabbi Yisroel Roll, who is spear-

Network has launched a com- heading the effort. “This campaign will June 5, at the Maryland Zoo of

munity-wide campaign called, K’ish give everyone in the community an Baltimore. You can sign up for the 5K

Echad B’Lev Echad – like one man opportunity, and an entrée, to become online, at

with one heart. In this campaign, which involved with helping and supporting Those who want to help through

carries the haskama of Rabbi Yaakov families who are facing an illness. We learning can participate in a Learn-a-

Hopfer, the entire community – men, are offering many avenues to do this.” Thon program. It involves learning

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