Page 64 - issue
P. 64
Journey to Efrat

Israeli” because “we have a lot to con- about a dozen security screens and Weber’s grill for his daughter. Mr. Jaffee
tribute and a lot to learn.” Americans finds the playback of Mr. Jaffee exiting walked into the store in Talpiot and the
can contribute things like their polite- the store with the toilet paper in the guy helping him was American and
ness and customer service. Speaking cart! Even though the man couldn’t decided just like that to give his fellow
about customer service, Mr. Jaffee is help him any further, he began a lovely American a discount on the grill! Mrs.
reminded of a story he would like to conversation with Mr. Jaffee, who after- Jaffee comments, “You’ve got to hold
share. wards left the store thinking, “this was onto those experiences.” Standing on
better than toilet paper.” “I was aggra- the lookout and seeing the larger land-
One day, Mr. Jaffee came home and vated and then I came out of there with scape, I have learnt indeed, gives one
realized he left the toilet paper he had a big smile on my face!” greater appreciation for both our
bought in the shopping cart in Osher National Home Land and life’s bigger
Ad in Yerushalayim. He returned, Another beautiful encounter was picture and ultimate purpose.◆
checked the area and it was not there. when Mr. Jaffee went out to buy a
Without any expectations other than,
this was probably “going to be an
aggravating experience,” he went inside
and asked for help by the customer
service desk. Surprisingly, the woman
responded kindly, checked around as
well, and then spent about ten minutes
on the phone trying to locate the miss-
ing toilet paper without success. Finally,
she said to go down a hallway and
knock on the white door. In comes Mr.
Jaffee, greeted by another friendly guy
who sits him down in a room with

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