

Ever since I can remember, I saw the numbers. They aren’t big. They aren’t small. But they are everywhere.

It was the first day of school. School was never my favorite place to be, but I did well enough and had a nice social group. Some would call us cliquey; I just thought of ourselves as good friends. I never felt like I could call anyone my “best friend,” not until this year, at least. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

My favorite subject was always math. Perhaps it was because I had been seeing numbers my whole life. Perhaps it was just because Hashem had granted me a math brain, or perhaps the teachers just liked me! But, suffice it to say, I was busy counting on my fingers and toes when all most kids wanted to do was play Roley Poley.

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Bread Renewal


Inspirational. Uplifting. Emotional. Expression. Connection.

These are the qualities women speak of when recalling the Rosh Chodesh Hafrashat Challa gatherings initiated and organized by Mrs. Penina Lewis over the last months. Come – let’s hear what is happening at 8 p.m. on or near Rosh Chodesh in our community.

It all began last winter when Mrs. Penina Lewis was moved to tears.

Mrs. Lewis, raised in Rosh Ha’ayin by her Teimini parents to radiate awe and love of Hashem, brings the simcha and emuna (faith) of her heritage to all

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In my professional practice of mind-body healing, I often tell people that difficulties can be looked at as stones. It is up to them to decide if they view these stones as stumbling blocks or as steppingstones. Aside from the “sunny side” of living in Eretz Yisrael, my own experiences here included such challenges – stumbling blocks that were really steppingstones – as well.

My husband is Israeli, but we met in America and settled in Lakewood. Although I was never exposed to life in Eretz Yisrael, nor did any of my own close family members live there, I knew I wanted to live there. As a Jew, being drawn to Eretz Yisrael was just an integral part of my neshama (soul). When we already had four children, I told my husband that if we didn’t make the move now, we would never. So, on Zos Chanukah 1970, we moved to Bnei Brak.

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Money and Dating


A good friend of mine in New York took a chance and went on a date with someone I suggested but barely knew. He said he called her, and they had a nice conversation. When they met, he asked her where she wanted to have lunch. She named an expensive restaurant (of which there are many in NYC), at which point he had no choice but to acquiesce. They had lunch. He got the bill. She didn’t offer to share it. And $150 later, he knew he was done. When we spoke later, he laughed and said that this had been the most expensive dating lesson, which he wasn’t going to repeat.

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Home Sweet Home


Many Baltimoreans dream of escaping the heavy August heat, even for just a few days. Though their vacations differ in distance and destination, they all seek a change in scenery (and humidity). Some take the opportunity to spend quality family time filled with fun outings, while others just want to relax. But, as much as people enjoy their well-earned time off, there is something special about coming back home. Despite the fear that whatever was left in the fridge will not be pretty, it feels satisfying to finally open your own front door after being away.

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Holocaust Accomplice or Rescuer? The Real Admiral Horthy


As we mark the 78th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust, it is fitting to focus on the summer of 1944 and examine the enigmatic Hungarian leader of that time, Admiral Miklos Horthy. Horthy was a complicated war figure whose Holocaust past is debated. While Horthy is customarily painted by World War II historians as Hitler’s “buddy,” a recent Moment magazine article entitled, “How Anti-Semite Miklos Horthy Saved the Jews of Budapest,” sides with historical revisionists who portray him favorably.

On the one hand, Horthy aligned his country with Nazi Germany and, after the war, lived in seclusion in fascist Portugal. On the other hand, he was not included by the Allies among the Nazi war criminals in the Nuremberg Trials, and he was supported after the war by Hungarian Jews who claimed they owed their lives to him. The question before us is, therefore, was Admiral Miklos Horthy an accomplice of the Nazis or a savior of the Jews?

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Instruments for Redemption: A Janitor, a Rabbi, and a Baalabus


Pre-Covid seems like such a long time ago. In reality, it has only been just over two-and-a-half years since the world was so much more stable and seemingly normal. These days, it’s quite hard to remember what normal felt like. We are living in such bizarre and unsettling times.

Ever since my teens, I’ve always had a sense of foreboding as we entered the three weeks of mourning for the Beis Hamikdash. That feeling would intensify from Rosh Chodesh Av through Tisha b’Av. Then, after Shabbos Nachamu, my mood would improve, and I returned to enjoying summer. This year the feelings of foreboding started many months before Shiva Asar B’Tamuz.

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The DMC A Column for Teens (of all Ages) :A Summer To Remember


There’s nothing like a Goldberg and Goldstein who are best friends. You know the type? Friends since the nursery at the hospital. With the same birthdays, living on the same block – can you even imagine us not getting mixed up? I mean, come on. Basi Goldberg and Batsheva Goldstein both living on Glengyle and in seventh grade.

Batsheva and I decided that this would be the best summer of our lives. As best friends, I’m sure you can imagine we have had our fair share of fun times and great summers. Like last year, when we decided to make a camp. Did you know that choosing a name for your camp is almost as important as the counselors that you hire? The two of us hacked the system and figured out the method to the madness. You ready? Nursery through second-grade age: Camp names must include a food. Camp Sprinkles, Camp Ice-Pop, Camp Mac’n Cheese, Camp Cupcake. We stayed up late wondering why there are no boy staples in the mix, like Camp Deli-Roll or Camp Kishke or Camp Cholent – but I digress!

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Rabbi Peretz Avraham Dinovitz, zt”l


The Baltimore community suffered an immeasurable loss. A beloved Rebbe, Rav, and embodiment of ahavas Yisrael in human form returned to the Yeshiva Shel Maaleh on ches Sivan.

Rabbi Peretz Avraham Dinovitz, zt”l, master mechanech (educator) and what I call a rebbe’s rebbe, will be sorely missed by scores of people. Having taught third grade for 30 years, and quite proud of his “job,” Rabbi Dinovitz saw the beauty in each and every talmid. Listening at the levaya (funeral) to the stories from some of those talmidim, now adults spread throughout the world and spanning the Jewish spectrum, was testimony to Rabbi Dinovitz’s love and influence. His acts of chesed were outstanding, reflecting his core belief of being nosei b’ol im chaveiro (carrying another’s burden). Nothing was impossible in his mind, and as such, many people identified with him as their personal rebbe. Yes, he will be sorely missed, and we may never know the full scope of his kindness and greatness. But in truth, that was typical of his humble demeanor and the very person that he was.

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Sweet and Spicy Meatballs

Most everyone knows this classic for “Meatball Mondays.” My twist on it is adding some kebab seasoning with chili flakes. It comes together easily and is a full meal when served with spaghetti or rice and a salad. My family enjoyed it for a last-minute Hoshana Raba seudah. From my experience, I prefer fresh ground beef with half of the fat. It has better consistency and holds its shape, not getting too watery.

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