Judicial Reform Comes to My Neighborhood


I live in Rechavia, the same neighborhood of the Prime Minister’s official residence. Every Saturday night they would come – thousands of protesters marching up Ramban Street waving Israeli flags. They are opposed to judicial reform. They call for the protection of democracy, protecting minorities from the tyranny of the majority. I was amazed at the size of these demonstrations and the determination of the marchers, who came week after week to demonstrate. It was literally Tel Aviv converging on Jerusalem – large secular crowds in Jerusalem the likes of which I have never seen, thousands of Israeli flags in the streets. My secular neighbors also joined them, bringing their own flags. I saw Maya and her husband, who live one building over, and the young lady, Shachar, who lives right below me, a physics major at Hebrew University.

Read More:Judicial Reform Comes to My Neighborhood

For the Love of Bread


Once I learned that you are supposed to put shmura matzah in the oven for a few minutes, I developed a brand-new love of Pesach. But after eight days, I was happy to be reunited with my sourdough starter. (Speak with your rav regarding how you might or might not put it away for Pesach.)

I’ve already baked a lot of bread since the end of Yom Tov. Challah, of course. Sandwich bread, because it only takes a couple of hours – and, it goes without saying, sourdough, because it really is the mother of all bread. My freezer is well stocked.

There are other breads I am yearning to bake. By the time you read this I will probably have made them all. Here’s my wish list: pita, laffa, pizza dough, focaccia, and pumpooshki.

Read More:For the Love of Bread

He Cared about Everyone: The Life of Rabbi Moshe Juravel, zt”l

rabbi juravel

You might think that you know a neighbor of 40 years very well, but I was amazed to hear all the many things I did not know, which were said about Rabbi Moshe Juravel at his levaya. The feeling of loss and of love for the niftar was palpable among the crowds that came to be melaveh him. You could see that people found it hard to fathom that he was gone!

We moved to Baltimore in 1984 and found ourselves right next door to the Juravels. Not only were we neighbors with this special couple, but I have been walking with Mrs. Juravel almost every morning for about 30 years.

Read More:He Cared about Everyone: The Life of Rabbi Moshe Juravel, zt”l

Israel on the Middle East Chessboard : Will There Be War?


Since Pesach, a flurry of unforeseen events has stricken the Middle East. Iran is days away from producing a nuclear bomb and has at the same time incited its Hamas and Hezbollah proxies into stepping up attacks from Lebanon. Meanwhile, Israel is at work cementing regional alliances with Central Asian Shiite countries and Sunni countries neighboring Iran – even with even close-by Arab ones. This in preparation, perhaps, for an attack aimed at denying Iran a nuclear weapon and ending the clerical regime long devoted to destroying the Jewish state.

Read More:Israel on the Middle East Chessboard : Will There Be War?

TEVA TALK -The Ascent

mount everest

You feel the air getting thinner as your lungs cry out with each shallow breath. Your legs are burning with the strain, threatening to collapse. Although you’ve been training for this moment for months, your oxygen-starved brain can only follow one command – to put one foot in front of the other. Each step brings you closer to the summit.

Read More:TEVA TALK -The Ascent

Emunah and Science


It has been 12 years since I was first diagnosed with cancer. I am 76 years old. After fighting breast cancer with radiation, along with a lumpectomy, I now have angiosarcoma, diagnosed at age 71. This is a rare type of cancer coming from the muscle tissue within blood vessels. It began in my right breast and there is the potential to spread to other organs. I am being treated at GBMC (Greater Baltimore Medical Center) in Towson Maryland as well as Sloan Kettering in New York.

Read More:Emunah and Science

LifeStyle-ish : Not-So-Dairy Shavuos

cheese cake

by Shani, Dena and Daniella

 Yom Tov is synonymous with fleishig meals – except for Shavuos. Shavuos is a holiday where milchig enthusiasts look forward to showcasing (and eating!) their favorite elevated dairy dishes. This year, however, those who eat all dairy meals for zman masan Toraseinu, will be short two milchig meals, since Shavuos falls on Friday and Shabbos. Fortunately, however, we can look at the overlap of Shabbos and Shavuos as an opportunity to have the best-ever milchig Shavuos shalosh seudos! Use our sample menu below for inspiration on delicious milchig recipes that don’t require reheating. Depending on how many hours you wait between dairy and meat, you may need to have an earlier lunch to be ready for a milchig shalosh seudos. If a milchig shalosh seudos does not work for you, feel free to use these as ideas for other milchig Yom Tov meals.

Read More:LifeStyle-ish : Not-So-Dairy Shavuos

Shavuos Recipes


With Shavuos coming, it’s super exciting to trot out some fun dairy recipes. Speaking of dairy recipes, chances are you will be using heavy/whipping cream (they’re the same thing). I always buy the biggest container possible. First, I make the cheesecake with the cream, but this article is focused on other recipes that call for heavy cream so that you can use up any extra you might have. 

I called Market Maven to find out if they would put their heavy cream on sale for Shavuos – and they said they would! So, not only can you make some delicious dishes using whipping cream, but you can get chalav Yisrael cream at a discount! 

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Read More:Shavuos Recipes

Update on School Choice in Maryland and Beyond


On Sunday, April 23, I attended the reunion of Public School #59 at Beth Tfiloh, catered by Milk & Honey. It’s unusual to hold a reunion for a public elementary school and even more unusual to make it kosher! Public school is free and in the ’50s, it was the choice of most Jewish families in the Lower Park Heights neighborhood. But when I became frum, I knew that the best choice for my children was Jewish day schools, regardless of the cost.

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Read More:Update on School Choice in Maryland and Beyond

Nights of Remembrance and Revelation: My Pesachs through the Years

seder plate

“This Matzah that we eat for what reason? Because the dough of our fathers did not have time to become leavened before the King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, REVEALED Himself to them and redeemed them.”

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There are times of the year that are so special they are etched into our memory forever. Pesach is one of them. The pre-Pesach cleaning, the burning of the chometz, and the smells coming out of the kitchen. I would like to reminisce about the Passovers, especially the Seders, in my life.

Read More:Nights of Remembrance and Revelation: My Pesachs through the Years