Dating Articles

Ask the Shadchan


To the Shadchan:

I must preface this letter by saying that Hashem is really watching over me, b”H, and I am not having that hard a time in shidduchim. While I have not yet found my zivug (mate), I don’t have the horror stories that some girls have in dealing with shadchanim, weight, looks, boys’ mothers, etc. However, I did just come to a bump in the road.

My father told me that his Rav wants to know if I would go out with a certain boy. (We were redt once before by the same person, but I got sick when we were supposed to go out, and we never ended up meeting). My father and brother, who know this boy from shul, speak very highly of him and tell me that he is exactly like what I’m looking for.

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Getting Along With In-laws


I am seriously dating a girl whom I like very much. She is kind and sweet, with excellent qualities of character. We have many common interests and enjoy each other’s company. There is just one problem. I have come to know her family these few months we have been dating, and have enjoyed spending time with them on Shabbos and at various family events. However, I have noticed that her numerous married sisters share one particular characteristic: None of them likes her in-laws. Many times, I have heard the sisters’ husbands say something like, “Let’s go to my parents,” and his wife says, “I don’t want to do that.” The sisters don’t seem to like to spend time with anyone but their own family. Their husbands have to work very hard to get them to go to theirs.

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Question for a Shadchan


To the Shadchan:

I have been involved in making shidduchim for a number of years. In the past few months, I have encountered situations that have upset me, and I would value your opinion on what to do. One example: I will redt (suggest) a shidduch to a guy, and he will check out the girl and say yes. The girl also says yes, but she will be away, and I can’t set up the date right away. I inform the guy, and he says he will wait. After the girl returns, however, he is busy dating someone else.

In another instance, I redt a shidduch to a guy and he says yes, and the girl says yes also. Unfortunately he is in the middle of exams, and can’t go out right away. She says she’ll wait. What happens? After the exams, I call the guy, and find out that another shadchan approached him with a “better idea” and he’s going out with her! Isn’t there any mentchlechkeit in shidduchim these days?

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Know of Whom You Speak

Know 2

Most of you have read a plethora of shidduch articles. Usually, they are loaded with advice and guidance for your typical girl or boy “in the parsha” or, to put it in plain English, dating eligible. Well, all you singles out there can breathe a sigh of relief, because this article is not about more advice for you. Rather, it is aimed at everyone else: the typical neighbor, friend, doctor, coworker, mailman, butcher, uncle’s friend’s neighbor’s cousin – even the parrot! – of a single, dating-aged person! Basically, anyone with the ability to talk should keep reading.

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Ask the Shadchan

To the Shadchan:
I have been dating a very nice guy for a few weeks. For the most part things are going well, and I see a lot of potential. There is one thing that really bothers me, though. We have had a few dates where we were walking outside and were passed by some homeless people. My date, who is usually very nice, was very rude to them, telling them to “get out of the way and go back where you came from.” Furthermore, he went on to speak badly about them after we passed by. These people have

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Ask the Shadchan

To the Shadchan

My friend and I went through school together and are now in our mid-twenties. I am married; she is not. I recently thought of a shidduch idea for her. He is someone my husband met in shul and brought home for Shabbos lunch. He seems to be a nice person. He has a job and is presentable, well mannered, and personable. My only hesitation is that he is not as polished and accomplished as she is. My friend is a terrific girl – someone special. She is a professional who is capable, refined, and socially adept.

My feeling

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