The Gift of Receiving

Have you ever heard of the expression “all dressed up with nowhere to go”? It presents the pathetic picture of a person who is all ready to go somewhere, to accomplish something, but no one wants what he has to offer. That is what it can be like for those who want to live a purposeful life. We want to emulate G-d; we want to be givers. But in order to be givers, someone has to be willing to receive.
In her book, Circle, Arrow Spiral: Exploring Gender in Judaism, Miriam Kosman describes the power of being the receiver in a relationship. “The greatest gift one can give another person is to allow him to experience that godlike feeling of being the bestower. By allowing someone to give, you are, on the deepest level, giving him a chance to express his inner essence….Someone who has no way to give is locked away from his connection to his Divine essence.” Mrs. Kosman elaborates on the connection that is created between the giver and the receiver. She says, “The art of receiving is what opens the door to relationship, to abundance, and to joy.” According to Mrs. Kosman, the giver and the receiver have a reciprocal arrangement, and both are doing kindness to each other.